There are many great reasons for Arizona residents to switch to solar energy. Below are some of the top reasons you may wish to consider for your own unique situation. Bottomline, if you can afford your utility bill today, you can afford solar.
$0 Down
We have several programs which can help Arizona homeowners switch for no money down.
30% Federal Tax Credits
Switch to solar before the federal tax credit runs out at the end of 2032!
25 Year-Full Warranty
Experience peace of mind with our “bumper to bumper” 25-year warranty.
Protection From Rate Increases
Reduce or even eliminate your current utility bill. Unlike your current electricity provider, solar
energy NEVER has a rate increase!
Immediate, Real Savings
Solar energy is unlimited, reliable, and clean. We can help you go solar and start saving money
from day 1
Increase Home Value
Not only will you save money on your energy bills, but solar systems will increase the value of
your home without raising your property tax assessment in Arizona!